Management Team

Sathish Duraisamy is the visionary behind E for Events. With a strong background in events across various formats and sizes and a passion for creating exceptional patron / guest / customer experiences, Sathish has embarked on this to expand the event remit, while also involving and giving back to a huge community of passionate supporters and well-wishers.

Sathish has successfully led I for India, another event outfit that has largely focused on the social and entertainment side of events with celebrity content. In their 8 years, I for India have conducted over 70 events from a few hundred to over 1,000 guests. Prior to this, he has supported local community organisations in their event initiatives for over 10 years. All of this has allowed create a substantial support infrastructure of event partners and vendors.

Alongside Sathish is a huge community of passionate supporters and well-wishers who are professionals and experts in different functional aspects (finance, marketing, IT, audio-visual, lighting, procurement, catering management, logistics, performers, etc) and have always wanted to be a part of event organisation efforts. E for Events would be the vehicle to harness the collective might of this community, while also allowing every community member feel a part of this movement. So, a part of the team sourced from bespoke experts within the community is a core element of our vision and organisational DNA.